Symptom differences with different genders

Hi! Pregnant with my second and I don’t know the gender yet — but symptom-wise this pregnancy is totally different from my last. I had a girl the first time and I was sick & throwing up until 18 weeks, and this time I was hardly nauseous just around 10 weeks. Wondering if this could mean I’m pregnant with a boy? Not sure if that’s an old wives tale — would love to hear your experiences!
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I was not very sick at all last time and this time was throwing up multiple times a week. I also feel waaaaayyyy moodier this pregnancy but both last and this pregnancy are boys. I thought maybe we would have a girl since the wives tales but guess not. My Chinese calender prediction was correct for both babies though. Thats fun to look at. I never did any of the other fun little tests like apparently cabbage water will react differently to your pee depending on baby gender? We did the blood work test to find our gender which should be over 99 percent accurate but will have confirmation at the end of the month at 20 week ultrasound

I am currently pregnant with my second girl! My first was honestly very easy the whole way through and I would get nauseous (probably starting around 7/8 weeks) but never had true morning sickness. My back broke out really bad with acne too, I’m not typically a person with acne but will get the occasional pimple. This time I wasn’t so nauseous but I just was turned away by any and all food sporadically throughout the day. I barely broke out, only a few on my face. I’ve had more headaches too. I was convinced it was a boy from those slight differences, but it is truly just that every pregnancy is so different!

I have been pretty sick and I’m having a boy

I’ve had extremely minimal nausea and it’s a girl. My Chinese birth chart was also correct to that’s fun.

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