@Rhiannon yeah, he has a tongue tie that was missed at the clinic we took him to, so it’s just been issue after issue. This has reassured me though, thank you! Xx
Angry when breastfeeding is a thing.
Exactly what happened with us… infant feeding clinic said no tie, private lactation consultant I saw said no tie, then the breastfeeding champion from the HV service was like “you know what, I’m just going to triple check her tongue…” and sure enough, tongue tie! We had it cut at 13 weeks and it helped so much with her colic and sleep, but she still never got the hang of breastfeeding! I hope things improve for you!! ♥️♥️
Release that tongue tie. I’d say it’s sleep deprivation and not breastfeeding. I have a friend who decided not to nurse her second because she blamed everything on nursing (anger, anxiety, ppd) and what ended up happening, this time it’s all exponentially worse for her. Pumping is challenging. It’s hard. Cut yourself some slack. Try to latch your baby after tie release and all that oxytocin should help you feel better!
We’ve just been re-referred for his tongue tie. It’s not sleep deprivation, he’s pretty good with sleeping and my partner takes the night feeds so I get sleep xx
YES! My daughter struggled with breastfeeding, stopped latching completely at 4 months so I ended up exclusively pumping, my husband would tiptoe around the house cause I had serious pumping rage 😅 I loved nursing her which I think contributed to it. Like yes sweet pea, I know you want my full attention and you would have it EXCEPT YOU WONT LATCH YOU LITTLE DEMON 🤣🤣🤣 I also always had to use the loo immediately once I turned my pumps, even if I’d literally just been, which always pissed me off so much 😂 Taking an iron supplement helped a bit? When I first started pumping, I would get angry, depressed and nauseous all at once but when I started taking iron the nausea went away and emotions were more manageable. And I can look back and laugh now! Good luck with your pumping journey! It does get easier. Every drop you give is precious. I read that as little as 50ml a day gives your baby the benefits of your antibodies, so you’re doing amazing ♥️