This is rough timings. 8am wake up bottle 10am porridge 1pm bottle 4pm dinner (pureed food) and a smaller bottle after. 7pm bottle 10pm bottle and bed
We have dropped a bottle just her small nighttime bottle 5oz. Weaning hasn't affected her daytime bottles still having 4 8oz. We are now doing breakfast and lunch and maybe a odd snack like a wafer or puff on the evening x
8am breakfast 10am bottle before first nap 12pm lunch 2pm bottle before second nap 4.30pm dinner 6.30pm bottle before sleep
He was having bottles every 3 hours but managed to get it to 4 now he’s having some food xx 8 bottle 10 porridge 12 bottle 2 snack 4 bottle 7 porridge 8 bottle
Following for the comments as I have stayed consistent with bottles but my LO just does not seem hungry enough for solids, so it would be interesting to see how other people are navigating the weaning process