Cheating and gross
Grim 🤮🤮 anyone that thinks this is normal needs their hard drive checked. Also getting it off porn hub doesn’t make it better
Definitely would consider that cheating to me 🤮🚩 That’s a relationship between two people not just him looking at pictures/videos (also gross)
Thats cheating in my book. What a disgusting thing to do. Girl you deserve better ❤️
Cheating and disgusting. Smfh!
I'd be mad as hell
I would class that as cheating yes
Cheating for sure. I’m sorry this shit makes me so sad you do deserve better
Definitely cheating
100% cheating
Yeah that's definitely cheating. As you say, he could have just watched pornhub!
Cheating 100% xx
Um yes it’s cheating
send that to his mom
1000% I would consider it as cheating