Paying for video!

So my partner and I have 2 kids together. I’m never on his phone but I went on it to make a phone call and this is the conversation I found. Paying a girl for some videos. He could have easily went on pornhub. Would u class this as cheating?? Him- “Hey how much is your content xx” Her-“Hey here is my list xx” sends list Him-“I’ll get the 2 minute dildo video xx” Her-“Okay perfect you fine with bank transfer xx” Him-“ Yeh just send the details” (She sends details) Him-“That’s it done” Some more random chat blah blah blah Sends videos Her-“hehehehe if you want more just let me know can do better bundles” Him-“yk I’m going to want more of you let’s be real 😮‍💨 xx I’ll let u know when I do xx Her-“Okay babe xx”
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1000% I would consider it as cheating

Cheating and gross

Grim 🤮🤮 anyone that thinks this is normal needs their hard drive checked. Also getting it off porn hub doesn’t make it better

Definitely would consider that cheating to me 🤮🚩 That’s a relationship between two people not just him looking at pictures/videos (also gross)

Thats cheating in my book. What a disgusting thing to do. Girl you deserve better ❤️

Cheating and disgusting. Smfh!

I'd be mad as hell

I would class that as cheating yes

Cheating for sure. I’m sorry this shit makes me so sad you do deserve better

Definitely cheating

100% cheating

Yeah that's definitely cheating. As you say, he could have just watched pornhub!

Cheating 100% xx

Um yes it’s cheating

send that to his mom

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