
If your parents joke around telling you that they'll give your baby inappropriate foods or do unsafe activities, would you allow them to take care of your baby? I don't trust my parents but my mother in law will be looking after my baby on some days (she works in a nursery, and she is so good with children, I trust her 100%). I don't know how I can let them know that they are welcome to visit more often but I can't let them look after my baby without me.
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It depends on how serious or unsafe you’re talking. My mum has 3 kids and 3 grandkids that she looked after before me and mine. She is an amazing mum and nanna and has my son on a Friday whilst we’re both at work. However, I’m aware he’s had a chocolate button or two in her care plus an extra / contact nap (we prefer to put him down in his room) - but he loves being with his nanna! And I love their bond. And I loved my nannas for the exact same harmless reasons. And also, free childcare!

I agree with the above comment regarding the safety .. if it’s a naughty biscuit or a little button or two at nan nans personally let them both have that ! My April baby is my second and I’m sure they did it with my oldest and he’s fine , honestly I’m happy for the break I drop them off with Nan Nan and say “just bring them back alive “ x

Yeah I think it definitely depends on your relationship with that person, how much you trust them etc. I’ve been staying one night a week at my mum and step dads since baby was 6 weeks old to give me a break and my husband an evening to himself (they live 50 minutes away) and now I’m going back to work, they’ll have her overnight most Sundays to take care of her on the Monday. My step dad always jokes around about once I’m gone giving her crisps and chocolate and letting her loose in the cupboards. He’s a great parent/grandparent and it doesn’t bother me! Even he lets her have some junk food (which I doubt he will) it’s not the end of the world, that’s what grandparents are for 😊 But it’s been a long road, baby and I were staying weekly for at least 6 months before I left her for a few hours as she was tricky baby and I was worried they wouldn’t cope, then after 8 months I left her overnight with them. I feel fine leaving her now, but it’s taken time

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