Private ultrasounds non-medical

I’m looking into the possibility of opening a private non-medical/non-diagnostic baby ultrasound ‘clinic’ Now, I’m not medically trained so I am looking into courses etc and pricing Having looked into it you don’t need to have medical qualifications for this aslong as you are only a ‘for fun’ kind of clinic and no medical advice etc given (with the exception of advising to seek professional advice) So, I’ve looked into it and I can do a course to train how to perform ultrasounds and check baby etc but without a recognised qualification at the end (I’d then open a ‘clinic’ and do a recognised course alongside) So, here’s where I thought my first bit of market research would start, would you pay for an ultrasound purposely just to see baby and have some pictures/videos? I know I paid for over 10 scans during my pregnancy just to see my baby but obviously we’re all different!
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I paid for private scans but tbh I wouldn’t pay for one without it being a qualified medical professional. Even if I wanted that 4d image, I took comfort knowing if anything had changed or was wrong it would be spotted right there.

Same as above I'd want to be scammed by a medically trained sonographer

honestly no scan place i’ve been to has given any medical opinions/advice and they never really know anything i don’t really think a lot of people who do paid for scans are professionals idk tho

Sorry, I really don’t want to be morbid but what would you do if someone came for “for fun” scan and there was no heartbeat? You need to have proper qualifications to deal with all aspects of ultrasound findings

@Jana so having had 4 miscarriages that sort of scenario is at the forefront of my mind. I wouldn’t be going into it blindly, I’d have training but not a recognised university qualification. Any private scan clinic actually isn’t allowed to give medical advice anyway. Obviously I’d then make the recommendation that they seek medical advice from professionals.

This isnt quite true most private scans are also monitored by thr CQC and give the likes of ressurence scans etc so csn give medical advice followed by advising to book with your regular NHS trust

I wouldn’t pay to just see the baby with someone without medical training when I can get the same experience with someone who is medically trained. For me, part of the enjoyment of private scans is also getting that extra reassurance that everything is ok from someone who knows what to look out for.

I personally wouldn’t. There is a reason sonographers have years worth of training and I wouldn’t really want someone scanning my baby who hasn’t done a proper qualification and can’t actually reassure me that my baby is ok and healthy. There are also quite a few different places local to me who offer ultrasounds carried out by sonographers who can reassure and advise, I don’t know why anyone would choose somewhere alternative that can’t offer that when there are so many places that can. I’d question whether you would actually be able to open a clinic with the appropriate insurance/indemnity cover if you don’t have a recognised qualification for the service you are offering.

I paid for private scans and do advise if patients want reassurance about paying for private scans however u would never be scanned by someone with no medical qualification or experience. Medical qualifications and CQC registration is something i looked into for all of the scan places I’ve used in both pregnancies. I have had patients who have used non medical qualified scan clinics and the details of the scans have been terrible You say most scan places can’t give medical advice but actually they can. As long as it is within their training remit so a midwife sonographer can give advice that is within a midwife’s training, a sonographer can give advice within their training. So if they picked up that a placenta was low lying they can discuss the implications of this so long as they have had that training. Not being able to give such advice will cause prolonged anxiety for these families

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