Is not listening just apart of this phase? Or what

My almost 2 year old does not listen at all. I have tried the nice “gentle” approach, I have tried the stern approach noting is working at all. He is 100% a ball of energy all day but his not listening is about to drive me through a wall. Tries to climb on tables, eat dog food, ride the dog like a horse, gets in the fridge all day everyday. I’m about to go crazy he has never been able to Sit still for more then 5min and I’m sure that’s normal. But have a newborn and toddler is getting harder by the day. Any one have any tips or do I just keep pushing through.
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Outdoor time is essential if possible!! I had to put a lock on my fridge after my son broke multiple dozens of eggs and smeared them into the carpet:)))

At this age I think you just have to redirect them rather than tell them no. My daughter constantly tries to climb on furniture and telling her no doesn't do a thing. Like the other poster said outside time definetly helps.

That’s definitely what we might need it’s just been cold and the warmer days that we have had it’s been raining. He spent the whole day outside on Sunday and he had so much fun. Definitely going to have to get outside more thank you ladies! @Aisia @Lily

I am here to say my little boy is very similar, he’s constantly just moving and getting into things! One thing I have noticed that has helped a little bit like mentioned above is getting outside more (obviously depending on weather conditions) and definitely redirecting. I think it’s good to mention to them they’re not supposed to do something, but then redirect them to something they can do instead like if my little one is climbing on the kitchen table I tell him no, that he can get hurt doing that then direct him to go climb on his play jungle gym or play couch that we can build a little tower out of!

It is so hard. I have no advice only sympathy.

We brought our toddler out to a trampoline park because of his high energy. Some of them have toddler areas so you don’t have to worry about bigger kids pushing past them. Fun activity to do for the colder weather

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