Omg do I have a problem?!
I just had my 5th baby I have 4 boys and a girl my family is perfect and complete a great husband a lovely home. We are tired, busy but soo happy and fulfilled. I think I may be addicted to having babies and being pregnant?! I loved all my pregnancies and just felt like such a special time. My youngest is 5 months and I’m just soo sad this is my last. My husband and I decided we won’t have anymore… but I just want to keep going.
I want to have a newborn again and have another addition to our family. I get so sad thinking I’d never have a bump again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Have another one. I wish I could have as many kids as possible. Worried about bills, taking care of them and needing to work I wish I get the courage to have more and more.