@Cici oh 5 sounds wonderful! Is your baby a really good sleeper?
I stopped counting lol but def a lot still. Totally normal! Our first-third all nursed throughout the night multiple times. #4 is the first one that has even remotely slept through the night at this age
My LO feeds 6 times a day. We dream feed her at 10pm and she sleeps through the night. I was also feeding her throughout the night and then started weaning her away from that schedule and that is when I started dreamfeeding her and it worked out for us.
Mine still wants feed 3-4 times a night. My first was like that too until a year
Sounds pretty normal
@Tesia She sleeps at 9 and I dream feed her at 12am but she still wakes up at 3am anyway
@Cynthia he is not🥲he is awake most of the entire day with rare naps. And he only sleeps on my chest at night. But hes able to go 4 hours between feeds, sometimes a little more. At night he usually doesnt nurse though
@Katelyn when did your first-third start to sleep thru the night?
6 during the day and usually 2 at night. Sometimes more. EBF.
I saw something from a lactation consultant or feeding expert on Instagram that said babies don’t just feed for hunger, they feed for boredom, pain, comfort etc. my baby feeds very regularly, maybe once an hour- hour and a half. He CAN go for 2-3 hours without feeding if we’re out and about, but at home he’s constant!
@Cynthia probably around 2 consistently. They still wake up and they’re 6, 4, and 2. Our 2 year old still wakes up in the middle of the night and wants us to lay with him. Don’t get me wrong there were some nights that they did younger, but it wasn’t very often.
@Beth that make sense. how do you find time to do anything else
@Cynthia he only feeds for 4-10 mins at a time. And when we go out he is distracted and doesn’t get fussy for it. Sometimes I do offer a feed outside, but only if we’re out for a long time :)
Completely normal. But truthfully…My supply dipped when I swapped to night time formula feeds, but I’m able to get a bit of rest. So I guess it’s a personal choice.
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@Beth Public feeding is difficult for us. She gets distracted by every little thing and stops feeding completely
Mine is 6 months and it feels like he's still on the boob all day. He still wakes up 2-3 times a night. I'm so frustrated I haven't had a full night's rest since he was born. Right now he is teething so it's even worse once he starts feeling better I am starting sleep training and hopefully cutting out night feeds.
@Mar I know the feeling.. it is so frustrating. I also have a toddler who doesn't stop lol I am so tired all the time
Most days its 5, but sometimes its 7-8 still