Ear piercing

For anyone who has pierced their daughter’s ears, when did you do it and why? I want to pierce my little ones ears but don’t know when the perfect time to do that would be. She’s currently 4 months.
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I would say the earlier the better! Baby turns 3 months old at the end of the month and I’ve booked her in as 3 months is the earliest they will do :)

Mine got hers done at around 4months. She didn't bother them. She's 8months now.

With my oldest her pediatrician office did it they offered it when she got shots and I went ahead and said yes she was 3 months I believe it was 11 years ago so I may be wrong 😅 My almost one year old we opted not to pierce her ears she pulls at her ears a lot and scratches so we were afraid that she might pull them

2 months!

Yes we did it at 4months too, super short and easy, she cried for a nano second and then moved on! No after pain and heeled perfectly in 2-3 weeks time. Also we did it the traditional way, pierce by a licensed baby piercing specialist rather than a piercing gun at a mall route as the later has risk of an infection and delayed healing ❤️‍🩹 so watch out and do your research.

My daughter got hers pieced at 5. I waited until she told me she wanted them. Cause I wasn’t gonna make the decision for her 🙂

Waiting for my daughter to ask me, whenever she wants them pieced. I think I was 10 when I got mine 😅

My little girl was 2 and a half and she had them done last week! She kept asking to have them done so I took her and she was absolutely brilliant!

I'm waiting until my daughter can verbally consent. I had mine done without my consent and hated it!

My girl got them done at 17months (my partner was against) so we agreed when she stopped pulling her ears.shes now 20 months and can changed them as there’s been no issue, if your having trouble cleaning them you can always just make sure they’re clean in the bath

4 months and she’s 2 now and has never touched them

I'm waiting until my daughter is old enough to ask to get it done. I don't wanna do it without her consent and it'll be a special moment when she's older.

@Alexus same (: she got them some days ago and is so happy now

I wish we pierced her ears at 4m Now she grabs her ears 😭

Mine was 9 months old. The pediatrician recommended at least 4 months old, but I was so nervous and kept putting it off. It went really well and healed quickly with good care.

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