I want to cheat on my boyfriend šŸ˜£

I truly love him more than anything so I don't know why I'm feeling this way. I'm frustrated and so so hurt and angry at his past šŸ˜… he's 24 I'm 1 and we have a 4 month old baby together. We've been together 2 years. He has slept with 10 other women before me, been to strip clubs, dated a lot, etc. I had one boyfriend before him who doesn't even count I was 15 and that lasted three months šŸ˜… I lost my virginity through rape (then went back and slept with same guy after that) but never had a good experience either way. I got with my bf a month after I lost my virginity and our relationship has a rocky start. The sex my bf and I have is great and he can make me orgasm and all. Maybe it's because I'm young and immature but I just wish I lived a little and dated and slept with other people .. mainly so I'd feel more experienced and so it'd feel "fair". I feel like I'm constantly competing with his past women šŸ˜… I've seen texts to his friends he says I'm one of the lesser attractive people he's been with. He said this long ago and he's very loving and attracted to me he's just been with models before.. and I'm good but I ain't a model šŸ˜£
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He's 24 and I'm 20*

Honestly maybe have an open conversation with him about it. Tell him how you feel and what are his thoughts.

Texting his friends that is foul

The text to his friend is awful! And Iā€™m sorry to hear about your past! No one deserves that. I wouldnā€™t cheat if I was you, Iā€™ve been on the receiving end of that and itā€™s the worst feeling ever, if you wanna date people then break up with him first but please think about it,, you get men that only want sex and thereā€™s the risk that youā€™ll feel worthless and used, the uncertainty of it, the fact that your partner may never want you back, you might miss having that family unit and most importantly you have your child to think of, if you were to cheat or break up just cause you wanted sex with other men and your child found out when they were older, could you live with that? But definitely address the comments from your boyfriend if you havenā€™t done so before, thatā€™s not nice at all

@Elizabeth she has seen texts, sheā€™s not texting his friends.

youā€™re honestly not missing out on much. sleeping with other people can be kinda ass bc your man knows your body and can make you feel good everytime. AND he loves you šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø remember as a couple you can go on double dates, hit the fucking strip club girl they got couples nights, and do so much more. you could talk to him about how youā€™re feeling. i donā€™t think you wanna cheat on him, you just wanna be adventurous. i mean what if you ask about a threesome or something idk. but reading this doesnā€™t seem like you wanna hurt him, you just wanna live a little like he did. what heā€™s done be for you shouldnā€™t matter so that envy should fade. plus you just had a baby 4 months ago!!

Have a open conversation with him, I tell you Iā€™ve never been with anyone other than my husband we met when he was 19 and I was 20, now Iā€™m 23 and heā€™s 22, we happily married. I never imagined to sleep with anyone, I donā€™t even want to experience. He dated 3 girls before me, but he always reassured me that Iā€™m the most beautiful one even though I know Iā€™m not šŸ˜… but his words help me. Counseling is a good idea.

@Alyssa yeah thatā€™s what I mean - heā€™s foul for texting that to his friends.

I tell people, "If you didn't live your hoe life while young, you're gonna want to live it when you're older". šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø

You shouldnā€™t let his past or even your past affect your relationship, as that will end up destroying what you both have. Whoever youā€™ve been/slept with and whoever heā€™s been with shouldnā€™t matter as that was the past. What he texted his friends isnā€™t very nice and you should bring that up to him. Tell him how you feel. Maybe try and spice your sex life up in the bedroom with him instead of thinking about cheating? Cheating wonā€™t get you anywhere. Especially now that you have a baby together.

@B lol I love this šŸ˜­

From when i saw heā€™s telling his mates im not as attractive as others heā€™s been with id be gone thatā€™s humiliating even if you wasnā€™t supposed to see it . Go and explore x

I clicked while scrolling, I did not mean to select that!

@B this is bad advicešŸ¤£

If you hadnā€™t seen the text, would you still feel this way do you think?

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I know for a fact that my husband has had (imo) prettier women heā€™s been with sexually. Iā€™m also aware of some of the experiences he had before me. While I did have a ā€œhoeā€ phase before him itā€™s nothing like what he experienced. So heā€™s still ā€œmore experienced ā€œ in that realm than I am. Sometimes I feel self conscious about not being as pretty or experienced as some of the people heā€™s been with BUT he never makes me feel like itā€™s a concern for him. Heā€™s very much loving, caring, amazing in every way. I get how you are feeling but cheating is not the answer. Maybe be open with him and tell him how you feel.

Most men will have a higher body count than is women. Itā€™s completely normal everything that your boyfriend did before yall started dating. Iā€™m 21 and my husband is 24 so not far off, I also was raped before I met him and he was technically my first but he had more than 10. What happened before yall got together isnā€™t important all thatā€™s important is now. Cheating wonā€™t make you feel any better nor will it do anything but hurt him and your child. You have a family now and need to focus on your family. You need to talk to him about how you are feeling and what he could do differently

@elia yes, I would. Part of the reason that I feel this way may be I build up of going through similar situations to the text message one. He has gone as far as recording his coworkers butt saving the videos (yes, plural) to his phone. He did this to me 2 months postpartum. He has micro cheated on me but never taken it to the physical level.. it's a mix of her, jealousy, and immaturity on my part

I donā€™t think itā€™s immaturity, I think you need to figure out the crux of it. If none of that happened and you was the only person he was focused on, would you still have the desire to be step out? If you did then itā€™s not a feeling of anger towards him, itā€™s a feeling on inadequacy on your part and you can work on that without compromising yourself. But if you are wanting to cheat as a retaliation towards him, then youā€™re angry and you have every right to be of course, but my advise would be to not lower your standards because of him and to let you know that if youā€™re not married, you still have your whole life ahead of you to be found by someone who will feel youā€™re enough

I was in a similar situation when I was 23, I married my first boyfriend & ended up cheating on him repeatedly because I had never experimented, until I fell in truly love with another guy & unplanned started an affair. The break was nasty & I felt like the worst person in the world. The truth is I was unhappy & my husband & my life with him was just unsatisfying. I just didnā€™t realise it at the time. My husband was a lovely person just not the one for me. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t stay with him but I completely regret not recognising & acknowledging my own feelings & wish I didnā€™t hurt him the way I did to fine my true love. I would never cheat on anyone ever again if I remotely feel like that about a guy now I know heā€™s not the one for meā€¦

@elia I'm really not sure to be honest. I start therapy next Tuesday and I plan to slowly divulge into my thoughts and feelings and figure myself out. In my head if I hadn't been raped and if I had slept with other people I would be happier right now. Sometimes I find a little counsel in the fact at least I slept with my rapist by choice after what happened and at least I had SOMEONE before my partner. šŸ™ Maybe if he's been better to me during this relationship I wouldn't feel this way, I didn't in the beginning before I knew everything he's done with other women during our relationship. Or just boundaries he's broken or things he's said about me. šŸ«¤

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