More of a Vent ... hubby just thinks i have all the time in the world to sleep. And doesn't understand why im tired and frustrated half the time. I have 2 under 2 and have not worked in 2 years.. I've been home with them. Prior to getting pregnant, I worked as a dental assistant for the past 12 years. We only been together 3 1/2 years. Sometimes i wake up mad from my back hurting from nursing all night or getting up and fixing bottles, peeing .. changing positions, alternating breasts .. like its endless. And he seems to think i can just sleep any time i want to and how ever long i want to. And im like, how do u think that is possible.? I literally havnt slept a full night thru in 2 years (unlike him, he can sleep a full night w/no problem) of course. He gets up sometimes and helps, but for the most part i try to let him sleep because then i feel guilty if he is tired at work the next day. Like, am i not entitled to get frustrated or be tired just because im at home all day?! Its so frustrating and makes me want to cry.
Not to mention me waking up everyday at 6:30 to get my bonus daughter off to school then trying my best to lay back down for the remaining hour that my 2 are sleep 🙄 before they get up