Housework help!

Hi guys, How is everyone coping with housework? I have to admit my house gets untidy fast and stuff everywhere, we currently have 7 wash loads that need doing every room needs a proper clean and tidy. My son is very clingy at the moment and my partner doesn’t pick up after himself so it’s just everywhere. Tbh I get depressed and overwhelmed when I ask him to help he does the dishes but not the pans that sort of thing. Just feel a lot of mum guilt
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You are doing great! Most people are in if not the same then similar situation. Talk to your partner about him doing more chores or helping with baby until you manage to het your house back in order. If he isn’t happy then talk about hiring help.

I took advice from others and got a cleaner. She’s changed my life! It’s just one thing off my plate.

Thankfully my partner pulls his weight but we both struggle with things in our own way, honestly what's helped us remember to do things and keep on top of stuff the most is to have a checklist on the fridge! We have daily, weekly and monthly tasks and we just tick things off as we go. It sounds really juvenile and patronising but, I don't care, it works 😂 and it takes the resentment out of it and helps us both be accountable. He doesn't feel helpless and I don't feel like I'm having to tell him what to do, because it's there on the fridge. And it means that things don't get missed, which is so easy to do when your head is going a mile a minute! We're not perfect and we still struggle but the list has definitely helped us a lot Also - mess is okay! I know that doesn't help when you're feeling overwhelmed and you just want that mess gone, but you're absolutely doing the best you can 💜

@Lauren would you mind sharing a photo of your cleaning board for inspo? No worries if not!

I feel you! It is relentless. I try to tidy as I go along so it doesn’t get too overwhelming. Saying that I don’t have a clingy baby atm so it’s easier. Can you do stuff with them in a sling / baby carrier? Saying that, no one is expecting you to have a clean / tidy house. Your most important job is to keep you & baby happy. It might seem tough but a convo with your partner asking for more help might work?

I am the messiest person, clean but CHAOTIC. I also hate housework and have always been rubbish at it. During lockdown I lived with a friend whose house is like a show home despite having 3 small children, and I just learnt! It sounds silly but I had to just swallow my pride and say please show me like I’m a child, and along the way we found ways she cleaned that didn’t work for me and tactics that really benefitted me, for example I set a ten min timer and whizz about while my tea cools down. I’m on my own and near enough surgically fused to my child, but have the perk of not having to pick up after someone else! If you have the means to get a cleaner then do but same way if you have the means to invest in decent appliances that can help too! I got a shark vacuum cleaner that essentially hoovers and mops at the same time which is a game changer. Lastly, give yourself a break … this bit doesn’t last forever xx

@Lauren thank you!! Love this ! I'm going to see if my husband would like to use it too haha

@Jas ahh you're welcome! Fingers crossed, it really has helped us 😌

I’m on the same boat. I do it when I can and when I want too and if I think too much about it I get physically ill because of the stress

Wash load on every night on a timer that comes on at 5am done by 6am when I get up it’s finished and ready to hang on the airer, what is on the airer goes into the tumble dryer to finish off for 10 mins. Dishwasher goes on at night to be emptied in the morning. Big cleans like bathroom bedrooms etc are done when baby boy naps or once he’s in bed at night. Toys put away at every nap time/bedtime. Hoover everyday. This is my routine and the only way I stay on top of it. Little man helps me with the washing and dishwasher to make it a game x

@Anne-Marie how often does she come if you don’t mind me asking?

@Lauren thank you lovely I do try and put him in a bouncer with toys and clean but he gets frustrated if in there too long and gets up to mischief on the floor too long 🤣. We tried that a few years back I even laminated it and we just stopped doing it

I think what I’m upset about is thinking when he’s walking and talking an I would hate for him to be surrounded in mess. It’s not awful and when my mum is here we get a lot of jobs done. When getting a cleaner sill ywuestion I know but how good do they clean? Because if there’s clutter everywhere. I’m worried I might have a bit of PND.

@Charis every fortnight for 4 hours. She’s absolutely amazing. She worked in a hotel in her home country, and you can really tell.

@Charis every other week for 4 hours 🤩

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