I had the same appointment yesterday and am also quite a small build. my bump measured 97th percentile so they referred me for a growth scan and turns out baby was only measure 18th percentile! I don’t think the bump measurements are super accurate… but if you’re worried try and get your self a growth scan or speak tot our midwife again
It could mean a bigger baby, it could mean extra fluid, it could just be you are carrying all out the front, there are lots of coulds and at this point I really wouldn’t worry, as each midwife appt they will measure and add to the chart to get a feel for how much your bump is growing. I was consistently on the 95th percentile with my first, and yes she was a bigger baby but all of my weight gain was on my bump, and I was back in my old skinny jeans within 3 weeks 😂
At my 28 week scan I also measured 97th percentile (I'm 5.3 too and before pregnancy I was really petite). The midwife didn't seem too concerned, though, and didn't send me for further scans. I go today for my 31 week check in, so will see if maybe things have changed.
Hello. I don't think the fundal height measurement is a particularly accurate indicator of the size of your baby - it depends where they are and how they're lying. I was referred for growth scans due to bump measurement in the third centile but the scan showed baby was in the 55th! So not always a good indicator of size x
I’m measuring similar to you. My fundal height was in the 97th percentile at my 24 week appointment and at my 28 week appointment it had gone down to the 90th percentile. I had a growth scan on Friday, baby is coming in at the 75th percentile overall for weight. Apparently growth scans have a 15% margin of error and fundal height is even less accurate so take it all with a pinch of salt!
I'm 5"1 and my fundal measurements at 28 and 31 weeks were over the 100th percentile, but they didn't seem concerned. I also developed high blood pressure so went in for a growth scan and baby is at 80th percentile, so the rest of it must just be belly! They'll schedule you for a growth scan if they have concerns as it's a bit more accurate than fundal height
I’m 5ft and usually size 10-12. My bump measured completely off the charts 📈 way above 100th centile but when I went for an ultrasound at 29 weeks she was 2lb 13oz and 50th centile and my fluid was normal - it’s literally just that I’m carrying her all out front! Take measurements with a pinch of salt - the ultrasounds are more accurate.
Yeah to add to the other comments, my bump is all out front, looks like I’ve got a basket ball under my top! Everyone carries differently depending on body type and shape, I’ve always had narrow hips so not much space for the bump to spread out
Mine sent me for scans due to small bump but baby weighing 3lb2oz
Don’t worry, they get these things wrong all the time! I had a friend who was told she was ‘too small’ weekly growth scans and then had a healthy baby weighting 8 pounds 8!! I’ve been told ‘my baby is big compared to me’ and measuring on the 97th centile, try not to stress! X
My baby is measuring 2lb 7oz at 28 weeks and on the 40th percentile x