Seperation Anxiety

Hi, me and my partner have a 6 month old daughter and I exclusively breast feed. I love my baby to bits and really struggle to be away from her. My partner (her dad) wants to take her out alone and go to his side of the family for a bit but I really don’t want him to do this. I’m fine with him taking her for a little stroll where it’s just him and her but when he’s wanting to go out somewhere and take her to see other people, I really don’t want him to. They’ve never done anything wrong- it’s just me. My parents have baby sat 3/4 times since she’s been born but I wouldn’t want anyone else too and even if he’d gone to their house alone with her- I’d still want to be there. Is anyone else feeling like this? I know my partner wants to take her out alone but I just don’t feel ready to be away from her yet and he’s getting irritated by this. I understand she’s his daughter too but I just don’t know what to do. Any advice will be appreciated.
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If you're ebf how long is he planning on taking her?

I am the exact same way with my LO. I could have written this. I'm fine with my parents and sister babysitting, and my partner taking her our on his own for an hour or two, but I really don't like the idea of him taking our LO to his parents without me. For me, I think it's mostly because they were a bit over excited about being grandparents, and boundaries were crossed. I'm worried that if I'm not there watching, they'll do something I'm not happy with.

How understanding is he? I would just be real and say you feel a bit anxious for her to be away that long and just find out why he wants to take her alone? To me I don’t get why you can’t come??

Why don’t you just go with? I’d find it extremely odd if my husband wanted to take our kids to his parents’ without me - it’s just weird.

I EBF my baby and my husband won’t take her for very long until she isn’t dependent on milk, I am fine with this as I can’t be bothered to pump and I don’t want her having anything else, forth baby for me and I have done the same with them all works for us and gets soo much easier when they are a little older and milk isn’t so important to them . Got to do what you feel comfortable with.

I don’t mind my partner taking baby out places at all like for walks and things and I’ve gone out for appointments and left him. We are ebf too so it can’t be for that long and I haven’t had anyone baby sit yet, not even my own mum so you’re further long than me! I just haven’t really wanted to go out without him - if I get an evening I just want to sleep 🤣🤣 once my partner and parents did say they’d take him out for the afternoon and let me sleep but I politely declined . He was only 3 months old then but I just don’t think I’d find it very relaxing! I don’t feel I have separation anxiety as such it just wouldn’t be convenient for me and they’re so small still. My baby was premature though so maybe I’m just helicopter parenting !!?

Hey everyone- thanks for your replies. I could go with him too but I think he just wants the responsibility where he can take her out alone but also so I have chance to do some online work and some tidying around the house. I understand his point and I obviously go places alone with her myself so it may be a bit hypocritical but I’m just not ready for her to be away from me and it’s more so when he’s wanting to go and see other family members with her. Even though I know she would be fine. He wants me to pump some milk so I know this means they would be out a couple hours.

I got the advice before my baby was born that leaving them with someone else is like a muscle that you have to exercise or you won’t be able to do it. I’ve followed that advice since she was born and it has helped a lot. Maybe you can work up to it- you could leave him and baby at home and his family could come visit at home, so that your baby’s stuff is already there and it feels safe and familiar? And work up to him leaving without you eventually

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