I had an episiotomy and stitches after my first baby. My second labour was much easier and quicker, my body took over and pushed for around 30 minutes before baby was born (in the birth pool). I only had a small graze which didn’t need stitches and it was on the opposite side to my episiotomy
I tore bad with my first and it was obviously kinda painful. They gave me a lidocaine shot and stitched me up no problem. My second pregnancy I did not tear meaning no lidocaine shot and it fucking HURT lol obviously my healing was much easier the second time but completely raw dogging immediately after delivery was probably not my favourite 😂
Oh, thanks ladies for the replies. I didn’t make myself clear in my post, I meant to ask for second and so on birth, how would it feel to give birth with stitches? But yeah, I got my answers bout your second birth experience thanks Jessica and Tessa. And yeah our bodies is definitely made for this Sophie :)
@Jessica was your baby born in the water, like bath? Or did you get out right before pushing?
@Imane my baby was born in the water, I stayed in. I don’t remember the pain being unbearable at any point. I can’t compare it to the first labour as I had an epidural for that
I had 2nd degree tear both times. I only found the second one to be a bit more painful as I was induced and she had more of a round head compared to my first as I went into natural labour with her and she had a cone shaped head when born. I think it varies every time you go into labour
I had episiotomies with my first 2 children (5 years apart) then had a 2nd degree tear with my 3rd baby (3 years since my last baby) and each time the healing time has actually been quicker and less painful xx
I had a few stitches with my first. With my second it was much easier, didn't feel the ring of fire as intensely and no stitches or grazes x
I had an episiotomy first time but second time I only had a superficial tear which didn’t require any stitches. Think my first laid the path for my second 🤣
I tore less than the last time each time & healing was much easier each time
I gave birth 14m after my first where I needed an episiotomy. I only had slight tearing and grazes. But didn’t tear the same way I was stitched first time around. You can ask them/your birth partner to place a warm face washer over your perineum to help and you can also do perineal massages in the lead up to birth which will help
Just to clarify. After a few weeks, you no longer have stitches. It is your healed skin after that. If you had stitches in your bum, these can take up to 6 months to dissolve. I'm just looking at the wording of your question and it seems to read as if you're asking what it's like to give birth WITH stitches, which you would no longer have.
@Emma oh that’s good to know the healing is faster
@Charleigh oh yeah I know, I didn’t mean exactly with stitches haha. I just mean having been stitched up, so obviously it’s new skin. Just meant that since it’s not the natural state of the vagina, it’s one that has been reformed I guess.
You’ll be healed , your made to stretch for birth , every birth is so different , you may have stitches one time and not need them the next