
Anybody looking for a friend to virtually do life with? Send me your before n afters of cleaning, food pics, links to whatever you are watching/listening to? Just a buddy to chat throughout the day. I'm a SAHM of 2 and 32 weeks pregnant with #3. Hmu 🙃
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👋🏻 hi! 😊 send me a message! I’m always down for someone to chat with during the day. Staying home with the little one and no adult conversation some days is hard 😅

Hi Cali, Congratulations on being pregnant with baby number #3. I just had baby #2 right before Christmas. I saw in your bio that you're a new Christian. Welcome to the family! I was raised a Christian but often find it hard to keep God the focus of my daily life. Now that I'm a mom and have little hearts and souls to mold, I'm trying to rekindle my passion for God and be an example for my kids. I also saw that you homeschool, I was homeschooled, and I plan on homeschooling my children as well. I'm on maternity leave right now, so I have planty of time to talk if you want to send a message.

Y'know, it amazes me how one goes from #1 to #2. And then willing to do #3 all over again !! But also, how is everyone affording being a SAHM?

Meeeee! That sounds great!

Congrats on baby #3! I would love to be friends. I’m a mom of three myself ages are 9,7, and 2

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