Braxton Hicks

My belly keeps going quite tight and it hurts, only lasting a few seconds. Is this braxton hicks?
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Lightning crotch - apparently but I may be wrong

@Roseline Lightning crotch is in the vaginal/pelvis area. This is my whole belly going hard & tight.

Yes this sounds like braxton hicks

@Lauren is there like a normal ‘amount’ of braxton hicks to have a day?

I don’t think so, as you get further on, they can increase and increase. It’s just your body preparing for labour. Mine started in the middle of 2nd trimester. I’m now 35 weeks and get at least 5-10 daily as a rough guidance. It you have any concerns just mention it to your midwife but I’m certain they can build and die back down. As long as they’re not contractions I wouldn’t be concerned depending on how far along you are x

I believe you’re supposed to ring if you get 6 or more in an hour and you’re before 37 weeks

@Lauren im 32 weeks today and they’ve been on and off all day! Does that mean labour is close? With my first I had braxton hicks for a few days which then quickly turned into actual contractions 😨 x

@Artemis didn’t know this, I’ll definitely make sure to monitor them x

I’ve had braxton hicks today for the first time it felt like a period cramp that lasted about 30 seconds then went off again. Lighting crotch is more of a sharp sensation in the nether regions that shoots down ya leg xx

@Amelia I had lightning crotch at the start of my pregnancy and that was painful but not as much as braxton hicks xx

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