Young kids are not good at keeping their germs to themselves and their immune systems aren’t built up yet so it’s pretty normal to catch things from other kids constantly. Even if they sent every kid home the minute they had the sniffles they would still all keep getting sick because they’re still contagious the day before obvious symptoms start. Except then it would be pointless to pay for daycare because the parents would only be able to send their kids occasionally and still be unable to work. If you can afford to stay home with your kid more power to you, but they’ll still go through it when they get to school later
You did nothing wrong. At home he’s not exposed to other kids and germs. At any daycare there’s a bunch of kids and germs that’s just daycare life. A pediatrician told me that when you send your child to daycare expect them to get sick 10-12 throughout the year. So either way you send him to daycare now or wait till kinder he’ll likely get sick. As @Ashley said it will help build his immune system. As always do what you feel is best for your child.
Thank u moms I appreciate all of ur support u all are right I no he’s gonna get sick and has to build his immune system but that scared me so bad him catching Covid alone with all the other viruses scared me so bad and we all caught Covid it was really bad on me I missed work and couldn’t recover for quite some time so it was alot for me to take in . I jus need some time to recover heal and work I eventually will allow him to go back to another day care and try it all over again I’m a new mom so it’s all new to me and was challenging for me .
@Jessica yes as a new mom and a very busy person who works constantly it’s been a big set back for me and his dad missing work to care for him and ourselves catching Covid was tragic it’s jus been a lot and as a mom I see how hard it can be I understand kids are little germ bugs lol 😂 it’s jus crazy I will let him go back to school maybe when he turn 2
@Ashley being a new mom it was so scary to see him have three virus at once I jus couldn’t take it being a interior designer who deals with the public constantly it’s hard using to cancel appointments and it started interfering with my work which pays the bills so I had to take him out I’ll try again soon
@Jillian thank u so much yeah being expose to new germs is a hot mess I thought by him catching these germs more than once he would be immune to it by now cause he over came them but Covid was to one that brought me to a conclusion he has to be taken out I will resume him in the near future at 3
@Candace Marshall was the daycare informing parents when there was a virus going around in the class?
@Cheyenne never girl never ever until I started telling them my son was catching these virus’s back to back they was blaming it on me asking if my house was clean and saying me and my son father must be catching the viruses from our jobs asking us do we wash our son hands at home we let her no our home is very clean and we always sanitize everything yes we constantly wipe our son hands after eating and playing through out the day. Once I told them the doctor said she should inform the other parents she got upset and she finally told the other parents at the day care she don’t want to because she don’t want to loose money if the students don’t show up but she had no choice but to inform everyone because she know I was aware of him catching them from their and the doctor was aware as well smh
Of course your kid wouldn’t get sick like that at home…it’s just you all. At day care he’s exposed to way more people. Unfortunately it’s just a side effect of day care. It gets better as they build up their immune system.