We had a health visitor visit us and my daughter, at 18 months was saying "there she is" etc now she says many more like "big step" "see you later" "love you" "love you more" etc. Health visitor said they don't expect kids of that age to be saying sentences like that so I wouldn't stress. My daughter didn't walk until 17 months but was saying a few words before then
She can say thank you, biscuit please, hello Tilly. But when ask her to put other words together she can't....but clearly says longer words like potato. Shes saying new words every day though so im not worried
There it is - that’s our only one and that’s just because of peekaboo or where’s a toy gone… we have some words but still a lot of pointing and Ah noises! Can hear him trying to say more sometimes so I’m not worrying!
It depends on the child really, every little one is different and develops at their own pace. My daughter said her first sentence at 13 months and was walking before 1st birthday, on the flip side though I see children that don't walk til 19 months and can't speak til after they turn 2. Don't fret too much 😊Reading to them morning and night. when you speak to your toddler get to their level so they can see you move your mouth while talking, this can help them figure out how to say the words and maybe repeat it back, best of luck to you both 🥰
Nope not yet. Pretty sure my oldest wasn't quite doing it at this age either. Probably closer to age 2 I think i would start worrying.
My LO isn’t saying any words yet x
Mine is but I'm sure it's because she spent all her time developing her speech so she can tell people what to do instead of learning to move for herself (only starting walking last month) 🙈
My son puts sentences together and he’s 20 months. My daughter was very behind with her speech but now she is 10 she doesn’t stop talking. No Need to be worried yet. All children develop at their own pace. Your child could be a listener for now. He’s taking it all in and then all of a sudden just start talking l.