Yes almost everyday, I've become numb to it but here and there those voices pop up and I get emotional But you've just got to look at the bigger picture, so long as you're healthy and baby - those are what the mind should be occupied with Also I'd suggest setting some boundaries even if it hurts, I've had to do it because I don't want my child listening to that and watching me disrespect myself
I've mostly chosen not to talk to people about my birth wants, as I have the same as you. My mum has previously said don't focus on your birth plan just have a birth, when in reality I've been told she was very disappointed at how her own birth turned out. I also equally had comments from various people about watching what I eat and how I'd balloon etc when in reality I've only put on around 10 pounds so far. I think it's hard not to let these things get to you as ultimately they arent nice things to say, although ultimately they may just be projecting. I'm just focused on doing my own prep daily of affirmations, breathing exercises, and stretching etc rather than worrying about pain tolerance or anything as I think that could just affect your mindset.
Hypnobirthing helps me block out external comments/noise and affirmations are really good for reminding you that your body is meant to handle this! Your body is different to everyone else’s! You’ve got this!
I don't think you realise how much little comments about birth have such a big effect until your pregnant. I've thought alot about what I will say to friends who are trying to get pregnant or that are pregnant in the future. No scare stories but just being there to listen and support is important. You'll do amazing, giving birth is a natural process, block out the comments and believe in your body 🥰
Thank you everyone, it's been really lovely reading these comments and feeling supported in this April community we have 🥰
you don’t know how you’ll cope in birth until you’re in labour, there’s no way of preparing for it so you might surprise yourself and everyone else. ignore them all, people will constantly criticise once baby’s born so just focus on doing what you need to do
At the end of the day, you get to choose what voice is in your head and what words bring meaning to you. There will be loads of unsolicited advice coming. we can’t control other people but we can control how we respond to it. Make your vision of how YOU want your labor bigger than anyone else. It’s going to be you and your little one. You got this momma