Am I Wrong?

Was on the phone with a relative. They suddenly started shouting at their child (7 year old boy) for trying on high heels. They said “Don’t ever let me catch you doing that again. You’re a boy, not a woman. It’s disgusting. Makes me sick”. I said that he is a child and just playing, he probably is not even thinking anything like that. (People have a habit of mistaking him for a girl and he will correct them because it annoys him). I also mentioned that heels were originally invented for men and later became adopted fashion by women. I said that their reaction was uncalled for and inappropriate. Though this is not my child, I don’t expect anyone to talk to theirs like that, either. I know it’s not my place to tell other people how to parent their children. It makes me so sad to hear these things being said to a young child.
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Personally I would have kept my mouth shut because as you said it’s not your place to judge or give your opinion My husband sadly has the same mindset and it drives me bonkers. I wanted to buy a car seat on clearance and he said no because it was purple. It was $91. I had to pay $168 on a blue one 🤦🏼‍♀️

I wouldn’t have been able to stop myself saying anything either. That poor child.

That would break my heart, I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut

I would honestly probably blurt out “what the fuck”

I’m really glad that you spoke up and said what you did - you may have been the only one to ever question their mindset, and have hopefully given them something to think about

@Brittany would definitely blurt it out

What a disgusting thing for them to say to their child

I don't know that I'd address their beliefs regarding gender norms as it isn't my place to give a small lecture on that to a parent. I would have asked why they spoke to their 7 year old in that tone though. They could have communicated very differently.

Nah I support you now they know what came out their mouth was utter stupidity 🤷‍♀️ you did right sticking up for that child even if they aren’t yours

You can comment on how the parent spoke to the child, ie not getting their personal feelings of disgust be known like it’s disgusting and it makes me sick, but it’s not your child for you to have an opinion on if they want their child wearing heels or not

You should have stayed of it if. I wouldn’t want anyone to say anything to me when I am correcting my child

@Ife correcting and being an asshole to your child are completely different lol

So if it’s a relative or a close friend I’d likely say something because we just have that open dialogue to be able to speak about lots of things and learn or get other perspectives from each other. But if it was a “stranger” or someone that I’m not close enough to I would just keep my opinions to myself. Especially, if they aren’t causing a danger or harm to the kid.

Further context may be necessary: This relative is my sister. Left it vague but that may be important. 1) The comment about the origin of heels was mentioned after the relative said words along the lines of “Males have no business being in heels” after I had said that he was playing. (I cannot remember their exact words which is why I didn’t mention it above). 2) I am not bothered by whether or not the child wears heels. I am bothered about the way in which the child was spoken to. 3) Screaming at a child is not “correction”. Telling them their actions makes you sick is not “correction”.

I keep my mouth shut generally about others parenting BUT in cases of abuse or if I hear someone being flat out mean to a little one I do speak up. I think sometimes we need to speak up for kids. Again, I reserve this for serious moments I don't go around telling strangers how to parent. But honestly, in this case and it being family I think you did the right thing by saying something, I would have as well.

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I would have kept my mouth shut, I don't think it was your place to comment. You may not agree but everyone has the right to raise their children however they see fit

I feel like kids under 12 should be kept away from the sex talk and the gender talk etc because first of all they haven’t even hit puberty yet second of all they’re not even teenagers yet and third of all kids should be kids and given the chance to do so and we shouldn’t confuse them they are innocent and we should all do our best to keep it that way but at the same time everyone is different and everyone has different ways of parenting I think giving advice and making sure they know that it’s advice and they don’t have to take it if they don’t want it but the way adults think nowadays is crazy for lashing out at a 7yr old for playing

Things like this I find it hard to keep to myself. I would have said something too

You should have stay off. I don’t think it’s in your place to judge. Everyone trains or correct me their child differently.

I think your right for speaking up, I’ve been in a similar position where a friend has said something awful to their daughter and at the time I didnt say anything and have always regretted it

i would probably have said something about the tone of voice and how she spoke to the kid bc that’s wildly inappropriate. you said its your sister so even more likely i would say something but idk your relationship with your sister if you’r close or not. i understand not getting in the middle of beliefs and whether she’s teaching her child the right thing bc ultimately she’s their parent but no child deserves to be berated or scolded like that idk. i get not wanting to overstep but as a mom i don’t think i could just listen to that and not say anything.

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