The information on the tin is just a guideline and you don’t have to use stage 2. My hv recommended using stage 1 all the way until his first birthday as there isn’t really much difference and they only produce it because it’s illegal to advertise stage 1 formula whereas it is legal for stage 2 You can give more than 600ml, like I said it’s just a guideline and if baby is hungry then why not. My lo has around 900ml a day and solids They assume weaning at 6 months which is probably why it’s a lower amount but lets be honest baby’s don’t exactly eat much at 6 months x
i’ve not read this is this on the tin? my 9 month old is on stage 2 as the new style stage 1 formula didn’t agree with her - she’s on 4 bottles at 7oz so well over the 600ml mark but has been ok x