How did you find it? Ohh sorry to hear about your MC, but congratulations on your rainbow 🌈 🩷xxx
Thank you so much 💛🙏🏻🥰 I was put under general anaesthetic for it so I didn’t feel a thing. And I woke up feeling better than I did after egg collection with hardly any pain and minimal spotting. Prior to having the Hysteroscopy my doctor referred me for a 3D saline infusion scan as they can get more of an idea what’s there before heading into the Hysteroscopy. I had another one of those scans prior to this transfer to rule out if I needed another Hysteroscopy again but nothing showed on the scan. So that could be an option too? Might save you having to have the procedure done if nothing is picked up xx
Ahh that’s amazing thank you so much! Xxx
I had one before every transfer
Hi Stacey, I had a diagnostic hysteroscopy as polyps were found. Currently waiting to be scheduled for a therapeutic hysteroscopy to remove them before continuing IVF. Have had two failed transfer so far and one embryo left in this cycle 🤞🏼
I had a miscarriage. Misoprosptol didn't work to abort the fetus so I had to have a D&C after. We tried for a baby again for months but didn't get pregnant again. My Doc suggested a saline US to see if I have scar tissue from the D&C and sure I did. So I went in for a Hysteroscopy. Got pregnant 2 month after but lost it again. This time I was able to abort the fetus with misoprostol though. Now we went through IVF. I did have another Saline US before my transfer to check the condition of my uterus. Have you had one before?? Maybe that's the first step to consider for you too.
I had two but my doctor required them before each transfer regardless
Yes! 3 failed transfers with normal embryos. Did the hysteroscopy before the fourth and it worked! There was scar tissue they didn’t see on the saline sonograms. I also did another hysteroscopy before my most recent transfer for my second babe (because scar tissue can come back) and I’m almost 11 weeks with the first try! I think it will become a standard of care someday!
@Kate everything crossed for you! 🤞We have 1 left too xx
@TK oh gosh I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much. No I haven’t had one before, prepared to try anything!
@Kaitlyn wow that’s amazing congratulations! 🩷. I hope it does! I’d never heard of it before and my consultant offered to refer me as we’ve had 3 failed. It’s our last embryo so I have everything crossed!
I had a hysteroscopy 2 months before my first FET. My doctor requires it before transfers. I received normal results (no fibroids, polyps, and great lining etc). Currently waiting for my Beta appointment
I have 🙋🏻♀️ I had 3 failed transfers too. Changed clinics and amongst other tests (PGT-A testing, EndomeTRIO test and a mock cycle) my doctor referred me for one where they found and removed a uterine polyp. 4th transfer worked, but ended in an early MC (doctor thinks it was more about the embryo and not the internal environment) 5th transfer worked and I’m currently 5 weeks with our rainbow 🌈 🫶🏻 xx