Potty Training Help / Win
For mums who are struggling -
I posted last week that nursery had suggested we start and I found my little one was not getting it at all, 4 days in and everything was covered in pee.
I persevered with him and provided lots of gentle encouragement, despite being full of mum guilt and thought I was making a terrible choice, he wasn’t ready and I’d let nursery force this on us.
We are 10 days in and he’s had no accidents for 2 days now.
I feel like people kept telling me they were 3 days and done and I couldn’t understand how on earth they did it or what I was doing wrong, I stuck with it despite wanting to give up and cry.
Found someone that gave a realistic time frame, cracked on and he’s got it!
Hopefully this helps you feel like you’ll get there if you’re in the trenches of potty training right now.
Thanks so much for sharing and well done to you & your little boy!! Can I ask how you did it? There’s so many different methods out there, I’m a bit confused about whether I’m taking the right approach or not. we had no accidents for about a week and then quite a few in the last couple of days that I’m worried I’ve got it all wrong now 😫