Weird reaction

My 5 month old fell asleep in the car as I went to my mum's today. He's been there before and sees her multiple times a week.. . I left him nap while mum and I had tea and a chat. When I heard him start to rouse I went into his room and picked him up and cuddles him as usual. He seemed a little off... Then he looked at mum and burst into tears. barely seemed to recognise me either (I had just sprayed on a new perfume? Could that be it? It was so upsetting he took ages to calm down and act like himself again
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My 5 month old has done this 3 times at my mom's now as well. Just suddenly turns for no reason and is hysterical, not sure what to do about it

Yeah exactly the same with my mum as well who she sees all the time. I think they are just in the stage of getting quite clingy to us

It’s a normal developmental milestone, separation/stranger anxiety starts around this age. My lo does it with his dad who he sees all the time😅x

@Louise awww! Hopefully that doesn't happen with us, he loves his daddy so much

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