Isolated from long term friends

Does anyone else feel like their long-term friends have disappeared? I shared the news when my baby arrived and got congratulations messages. Many said they’d love to meet the baby—but then practically ghosted me. They still watch all my Instagram stories (shared only with my close friends list) but never like or reply. And since the birth, none of them have checked in via text. I’m grateful for the amazing new mum friends I’ve made, but I really miss my long-term friends too. This isn’t just one friend or one group—it’s happened across different circles, and it’s made me feel awful. I even reached out to one of my ‘best friends’, who barely spoke to me throughout my pregnancy. When the baby arrived, she was really blunt sending a two word congrats. I texted her again this weekend (she hadn’t spoken to me since June) just to check in and let her know I’d still love for her to meet the baby. She replied ignoring about meeting baby but sharing she is pregnant. It felt so strange to only hear this when I reached out first—and to have her ignore the idea of meeting my baby altogether. Has anyone else experienced this? I appreciate people move on and lives change but it’s felt so drastic since getting pregnant and welcoming our little person. It’s a bit heartbreaking to be honest
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Unfortunately this always happens, your friend will soon realise how lonely and difficult postpartum can really get and then you'll be getting messages of apologies because she didn't know how it truly felt until she has her baby and she then does x

This happened to me and over time I've made a total new circle of friends who I honestly get along with so much better as we have more in common, but it was heartbreaking to begin with x

The "mum friends" as I call them that you meet at baby groups etc, the best support. But I get that you almost mourne the loss of those previous friends, sending you love x

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