@Audrey the doctors have no idea what happened but I have what's called a pars defect in 2 places in my spine. It's incredibly painful and will eventually need surgery but after the baby is born. That and I already have a 2 year old, 1 year old and this baby on the way. So I don't believe I'll even end up getting the surgery. My husband and I are both tall. Me and 5'7 and him at 5'11. And both our other babies before we're completely on track for weight and height. It's just a weird situation. Idk why he's so small lol
That sounds really rough, I'm sorry. Hope everything goes well at your extra scans and it's just one of those random genetic chance things and you have a sweet little tiny baby soon 😊
What is going on with your spine? I had a friend who was in a similar situation with a small baby. She was very short as were most of both sides of the family, so they were terribly surprised to be having a small babe. All of her appts went well and she had a healthy baby, as well as two more after that.