@Lianna I have a very big boy he’s been thriving on puree!! Thinking of trying mash potato with breastmilk in it
That could be fun to try! My girl is tiny. She was a severe iugr baby. If she had a bit better control of her head, I'd be more willing to try purees sooner haha. How well is your boy doing holding his head up and with supported sitting?
My baby boy is rolling and going from his back to tummy, but isn’t able to sit up just yet!! Head control is good but not enough for purées yet😩
@Lianna he holds his head unsupported at all times he has no wobbles unless he’s just woken up or he’s overtired. And he sits perfectly in his high chair too without support. When he hit 4 months he was the size of a 6 month old. So he’s doing good I say 😂😅😭
I haven’t really started yet cuz it’s not recommended till at least 6 months old. Starting food early can cause stomach issues along with other stuff. My lo is almost 6 months and today she tried some dried mango but not much. Also babies should avoid rice cereal and sweet potato.
@Vanessa heard this a thousand times 🙄 … there’s mixed information everywhere about when to start. There’s also information everywhere about how breastmilk is better than formula but we don’t judge who uses what for THEIR children. Where I live they recommend to start at 4 months. You don’t have to feed your child those things if you don’t feel comfortable doing so but me & mine are doing great & loving it! 🥰 x
I wasn’t judging just informing 😉to each their own.
@Vanessa i know you’re not judging it was more-so the reference of mixed information. This post was for suggestions, not advice. But thanks 😊
@Chandra oh my!! My little one practically eats the spoon! Hopefully you find something he loves 🥲🫶🏽
@Vanessa, why should they avoid sweet potatoes ?.
Her fav is the peach. I had to open another pack because she was crying when I stopped 😭
So far we have only tried rice cereal and oatmeal. She doesn't like either of those, but I don't think she's quite ready for purees. Maybe when she's 5 or 5.5 months, though!