Did the newborn phase get harder with more kids or easier?

Just wondering if the newborn phase got easier with more kids because you have experience or harder because you had to watch over multiple kids.đź’•
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Easier for sure it’s like since you did it before you are more comfortable and confident in your instincts 🩷

Way easier for me but it’s 100% just due to the fact that my first was a Reallly tough baby and my second is an easy baby.

Easier because you know what your doing, harder because you also have older child/children to look after so you have no time to rest ❤️

I think it’s just the night time routine that’s tricky especially when mine went through the witching hour. Plus mine was older.

It felt a lot easier but I also went from a velcro baby to a baby I could put down and that makes a huge difference. Juggling both for bedtime especially with the witching hour is hard but doable with practice.

Easier. The reason is twofold. 1. You're used to it. 2. You feel a need to stick to them sleeping in a crib and such because you've got other kids to deal with. Every time I felt like "oh he just wants to nap on me maybe I should try that" I'd think to myself "but I have a toddler who needs me too" My baby is now almost 7 months and my toddler will be 3 in the late spring. They're happy as clams and love each other. My newborn never got special treatment and my toddler knows this. They both feel special in their own right.

I don't think it's easier as such, just hard in different ways. You already know how to handle a newborn but then you have to learn how to handle a newborn and a toddler at the same time. Instead of fretting about whether you're getting the baby care right, you fret about whether you're splitting your time fairly between both children, or whether you're encouraging a relationship between both kids enough, or if toddler is going to get jealous of newborn or if you're protecting newborn from toddler's germs, or a million other things

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