Advice on being pregnant and parenting a toddler

So, I'm incredibly excited that I'm pregnant with our second (just over 5 weeks) but my days I'm already finding pregnancy mich harder this time round. I have a 2 year old and a very busy job. Although the job is work from home it is chaotically busy and I've been finding it really stressful, especially with the fatigue and my mood swings (something I didn't really experience last time). Obviously this time round I'm busier and have less sleep and time for me. My partner is supportive but works a busy job too. We have no family close by (the closest grandparent is dealing with their husbands progressing dementia). How do people cope? I'm concerned the stress I've been feeling is going to negatively impact me and the baby at this really early stage. I've had tontake some days off sick from work just to try and reset and I'm mostly just sleeping! This is only the start, concerned for what's to come!
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Honestly my heart goes out to you because being pregnant with a toddler was the hardest part for me. When your baby arrives it is so much easier to just allow yourself to rest when you can and try to remember that everything is just a phase and passes very quickly. I have a 2 year old and a six month old and honestly it isn’t as scary as I thought.

I’m 31 weeks pregnant with my 2nd now, and oh my gosh, the first bit of pregnancy with a toddler was tough, so you have my sympathy! I told my work early on as I was being so sick, and I didn’t want to have to make up reasons for being off on sick leave. I think you need to be a bit selfish for yourself and take time off sick as and when you need. I felt guilty at first, but I know I’ve been a good employee usually, and had to put myself first. I took 3 weeks off completely (got a note from GP) and then went to work from home full time rather than commuting in. Thankfully my work were supportive, so I hope yours are too. And just lower your expectations of what you can do with your toddler. We normally did lots of exciting trips on the day I have off work, but for a couple of months all I could manage was puttering around at home or going to the local library/park. Plus he got more screen time than normal! But I felt so much better after 18 weeks, and you do get through it! Gd luck!

Embrace the chaos is all I can say I have a 6 week old and a 2 year old only advise I was given prior was your baby won’t remember crying for 5 mins if your toddler needs u which I found the hardest part xx

I found the first 12 weeks so intense with being pregnant and looking after my wild 2 year old boy! I had crazy sickness and bad fatigue and all I can say is just rest when you can, nap if your toddler naps, take time off work if you really need to! Hang on in there mama! The second trimester I've felt so much better and have lots more energy and I've been able to do a lot more with my boy as well (I'm currently 17 weeks) I find getting out of the house at least once a day helps to tire my boy out so we can both chill/nap in the afternoon. 💕

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