
Anyone’s baby still not crawling?
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Mine is only army crawling. My son did the same until 10.5 months. Then walked at 14 months which is the average and is now doing very well in every aspect. I guess they ll get there in their own time.

Mine isn’t and doesn’t seem interested

Just army crawling. He’s trying to stand so basically he’s given up on crawling

No crawling and hates tummy time. Starting to do a bit of a bum shuffle and loves standing but can’t pull to stand yet (10 months 6 days)


@Fliss I could have wrote this. This is my guy too 🤣

Mine started crawling yesterday after months of us thinking it would never happen. She literally just did it out of nowhere - I’m sure it will happen when they are ready :) xx

My baby can't crawl. However, can move backwards and side to side, but not forward! 😂

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