Potty training

Have any on you thought about potty training yet or gone better and even started? If so what have you found useful and what signs did you notice x
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I’m going to do it in the summer so she can run around without a nappy. I will start getting her to sit on it soon just to start it all off. The only sign at the moment is she says poo poo when she’s done a poo but that would be a little late as we would then have it on the floor somewhere 😂😂😂 xx

I let my son sit on his potty before our shower at night and it's been out for him to see and sit on since before he was like 7 months old 😂 so he knows it's not a scary new thing. He's yet to actually pee or poop in it but I'm expecting it to be a long process and not rushing him with it

My daughter is so nearly ready, but she only tells me when she’s been not when she needs to go

We've had a few successful wees and poos on either the potty or toilet. She sits on the potty when I use the toilet. First thing in the morning and bath time are normally successful x

Haven’t started training yet but really interested in starting soon as I’m 25 weeks pregnant and don’t want to be starting it with a newborn! I’ve started getting him to sit on the potty now and again to get him used to it and also when I know he’s pooing I will ask him if he is pooing and he says yes back so I know he’s aware of what is going on. If he’s in the bathroom with me he also knows to pass me toilet roll and does the same to my husband so I’m hoping these are good signs.

Aiming to try in summer! Will be easier with less layers but we shall see

So far my girl has said poop after going once but I think I will dig out my 7 year old potty out of the shed to get her used to it but I don’t think we’ll start training until the summer. I can not remember when I started with my 7 year old.

We will start in the summer, too. Be much easier to run around without a nappy. Whether house or garden. So far, when I try to sit my son on the potty he kicks off. I even went as far as trying to model what to do, but I don’t think he’s ready yet, although can now go long period of time without going for a wee without a nappy on, and even if he does it, he only lets out a little bit and then wants a nappy on to finish.

Trying but she doesn't have much interest. She tells me when she's had a poo and wants her nappy changing, and she points to the potty and says poo poo and wee wee but if I sit her on it she just gets back up 😂

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