Weetabix balls? Dairy free yog, raspberries, peanut butter and weetabix mashed into a ball. Toast - you could make chia jam. Chia is good for fibre and keeping baby full. It’s just cooked down fruit (we do strawberries) and chia seeds. Keeps in the fridge for over 5 days. Pancakes? I know you said he doesn’t like oats and eggs but this could disguise it? It’s mashed banana, 1 egg and oats. To be honest most days we just do natural yogurt (you could use coconut) and fruit (kiwi, raspberries and strawberries and I’ll put prune purée through it.
We are vegan so here’s some examples of my baby’s breakfast and lunch: - Weetabix or readybrek with added nut butters, desiccated coconut, flaxseeds, fruit etc - pancakes - porridge fingers - toast with nut butter and fruit - toast or sandwiches with houmous, avocado or nut butter - sweetcorn fritters or ‘omelette’ made with gram/chickpea flour - falafels - sausage rolls made with chickpeas - pitta pizzas
Breakfast my LG loves shreddies and cheerios (Sainsbury's own brand has the lowest sugar). I put it in a bowl, chuck on some oat milk, give it a mix and then spoon it into her plate so it's not dry but not so soggy it's hard to pick up. I've been sprinkling some dessicated coconut and Hemp Seeds over it too. We also do peanut butter on toast or chia jam (freeze in ice cubes then I chuck a cube in a cup, zap in the microwave to defrost) She will always eat blueberries so I've started putting some dairy-free yoghurt which she loves. She's not a big lunch eater but I've done sandwiches or pinwheels, sometimes toast if she's not had toast for breakfast.
Also find it hard to think of meals all the time. - Breakfast we often do shredded wheat plus some fruity yoghurt and a splash of milk which makes a nice tasty mush for her 😂 Or banana oat pancakes Lunch is usually on the go - often some cucumber sticks, some toast strips with cream cheese, a banana or a fruity pouch. For dinner she loves pasta with any kind of sauce - will usually try add some kind of tinned fish or meat to this. Also is OBSESSED with corn on the cob, or baked beans and mash, great for keeping her occupied while we eat our dinner. I find it handy to have some things like pre-cooked chicken slices in the fridge for taking with us for lunch or for just easily adding to a meal if I feel she needs more protein. But also, it’s great that you’re giving baby what you’re having - if it’s working for you then keep going!
@Amy Another vote for pancakes! Just throw in whatever fruit or veggies you have left over!
My little guy is dairy free too, really looking forward to (hopefully 🤞🏻) a time where I don’t have to check packaging and I can give him some cheese on toast. Tonight for lunch today he had some fish cakes, mash potato and baked beans. Pancakes is a great shout, always a winner. Orzo pasta with veggies go down a treat too x
@Shenel the thing with my little chunky is that he has a mild dairy allergy, or had at this point. We’re supposed to start his 12 step milk ladder, he had an amazing rush after malted biscuits (bought from Aldi) but he’s fine if he steals a bite of his big brothers pizza. So I don’t know what to do anymore….he’s mostly dairy free, with the exception of some Parmesan here and there in food 🤷🏼♀️
@Amy Agreed with pancakes too! I had loads of frozen purees leftover from early weaning days, and these were a great way to use them up. Plus they can be frozen and defrosted in the microwave so a really easy and quick one to prepare 🙏🏻
I feel the same, feel like I end up just feeding him endless avocados and blueberries at the moment 🙈 I am trying this week to make a few bits to keep in the freezer. So far I’ve done a vegetable and lentil soup and some pinwheels (spinach and vegan cheese, apple and peanut butter and carrot and nutmeg) and I’ve been trying to keep a few more leftovers from tea too. Things he seems to like at the moment are ham sandwiches, eggy bread, advocado cubes, white fish, tuna or a bean jacket potato, naked bars, crackers/rice cakes and Humous, blueberries, grapes, grated apple, warm weetabix, peanut butter toast. I’m trying to remember that he doesn’t care if it looks like a meal so lunch in particular is often a mixture of all sorts!