
My daughter started nursery in January and the first few days she was absolutely fine and happy to go to nursery, but then since the second week she cries a lot before going in and when I asked them, they said she’s fine when she’s here but every now and then she gets very upset whilst she’s there, and also she’s become very very clingy at home and only to me, I’m also 29 weeks pregnant Has anyone else experienced this? Does it get any better? I feel like she’ll never get used to it 😣😣
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Yeah the novelty of you leaving them wears of very quickly I think. As long as you reassure her you will be back to get her etc I think she get used to it soon and be having fun. My girl was the same she even asked to go on the weekend lol xx

It does get better I had this with my eldest she had 3 good days and then tears for a month and then she was ok. My little boy also started nursery in January and he was completely different had week of tears and since then he loves going x

I’m having this too . She started in January first 2 weeks she was absolutely fine going to preschool . Then she got a cold which 3 weeks in she’s still got which is a concern for a cold to last 3 weeks as she normally bounces back really quick And omg she’s so clingy doesn’t want anyone else but me and cry’s for me even if I pop to the toilet without her xx

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