Peoples experience at Broomfield or WJC!

I’m in two minds where to go and heard a lot of issues at Broomfield mainly lots of people having emergency C sections which I would in an ideal world I want to avoid. As I’m low risk I can go WJC which is literally 5 mins up the road but just wanted to see what peoples experiences were with either 💖
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Following, had my first at at maldon and was the best birth trying to avoid Broomfeild if I can just out of personal preference

If we have another, I wouldn’t go back to Broomfield… they’d made errors on my notes, not very caring and compassionate, a few good members of staff up there but on the whole wouldn’t be back

I had the same debate, but ended up at Broomfield due to an induction. As WJC only offer natural birth, no intervention. (If needed they will blue light you to Broomfield) After I had the baby, I transferred to WJC and the aftercare was amazing. Had our own room with a double bed, had 1-1 breastfeeding session with a midwife and they couldn’t have been more helpful. There are 2 birthing suites both with baths and they look incredible. And only 2-3 bedrooms so it has such a personal touch. Hope that helps!

Ive had 2 x good experiences at Broomfield, most recently in May last year. I had lovely midwives! I felt so looked after. Only thing I didn't like was I felt pressured into induction, which I think is becoming common... Other than that i had a room to myself for the whole time I was there and was never rushed to leave x

I’ve had a mixed experience with broomfield. I was planning a c-section anyways but ended up being a category 2 emergency due to pre eclamsia. I ended up waiting 5 days to have my little boy with terrible blood pressure readings! The final one before he was born was 176/114 (that’s whilst i was being medicated). The surgeons kept putting my c-section off and had different options each day. But the whole time my condition was getting worse. However the aftercare I experienced was better during the day but slacked overnight.

WJC were amazing, I highly recommend it. The care prior, during and after, was fantastic. There's only two labour rooms there, so you're a priority. If you can go there, I would xx

had my first at broomfeild and because of their failing to see my daughter had a birth defect it ended in emergency c section because of all the interferences and failing to see how high my amniotic fluid levels really were. went back to broomfeild for my second (no other choice as i was very high risk) they were amazing. i laboured at home all the way until my waters burst and contractions were 3/4 mins apart i refused to let them check me until i felt like i was ready to push and when that happened i was 10 cm , i pushed for 2 hours and eventually needed an episiotomy. i have to say they were reluctant to do it but im very grateful for how kind and how much time they spent on me making sure i was stitched right (it was bad it took 4 hours!) they attended to my every need, want and ask. my midwife at wjc put in lots of measures to make sure i would have an amazing birth and be taken care of she did an amazing job as did the midwives and student midwife i had with me

I can’t fault broomfield they were amazing when I had my boy in 2023

I had all 3 of my babies at Broomfield. An found it all depends on who you see there. Some are amazing and some come across like their just there for a job an don’t care. My 1st baby I had an emergency c-section, bubs had 3 true knots in his cord so nothing to do with the hospital. Only person there I butt heads with at the time was the so called breastfeeding expert who told me if I was going to breastfeed him that she would no longer allow me to have formula, so basically told her to do one an I’ll just give him formula while there (I combi feed when got home) My 2nd baby I opted for c-section due to what happen with my first, I went into labour at 36wks, water broke in the middle of the night we went in to be told I werent in labour an that I was having Braxton hicks, I said I was having contractions an was basically ignored an put on the induction ward where I was to be ignored, even when struggling to walk from the room to the toilet, repeatedly telling them the so called

Braxton hicks was getting stronger, asked for pain killers to be forgotten about, new shift started an a finally saw a doctor who said they would put me on the labour ward. Didn’t examine me or anything, 5mins later pain was to much am I shouted for help to be ignored by the same doctor standing in front of me talking! Someone finally came over and examined me an could see his head, 8mins later he was born. Baby number 3 didn’t given them a chance to not listen 😂 we walked through the doors at 7:10am an she was born in the DAU room at 7:12 am 😂😂😂😂

@Tam sounds like you had a right experience with all 3 there then!

@Zoe mainly with my 2nd, though the midwife that delivered our son an the doctors we saw on the labour ward was amazing I can’t say a bad word about them, was the ones we saw before going to the labour ward (this was while I was basically giving birth) I wasn’t monitored, was ignored etc sent my bf home so I was on my own during 99% of being in labour, but when I was pregnant my 3rd last year my midwife wanted it to be looked into due to what happened. Can’t remember what it’s called but basically they look at everything an said it wasn’t good etc. But with my 3rd she was very quick 😂 and to be honest with all the ones we saw on DAU (they actually delivered my baby an was amazing consider they weren’t expecting to be doing it lol) as well as on labour ward that day they was amazing! Weren’t that great when we went on to the next ward, again some was amazing an some wasn’t. Luckily we went home the next day.

I had a few issues with Broomfield but overall can't complain. I've heard really good things about WJC though! Especially about the after care. Only thing is that it's for low risk, straight forward births so always a chance you might have to move anyway.

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