Blw- Does anyone else’s baby put large pieces of food in their mouth?

We have recently started baby lead weaning. We have been doing purée for two months. I’m cutting things into finger size strips and he is putting really large bits in his mouth and it’s really freaking me out. For example, this morning I made him banana pancakes and rather than sucking or biting a little bit of the top he was putting half of it in his mouth. He did manage it really well but pulled a face when he swallowed. I’m a nervous wreck when he is eating🙈😂
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Yeah mine does sometimes, i don’t know if she does it knowingly or not at this age but she’s good at making sure shes swallowed before anything else goes in 😂 it’s all practise though x

Yeah mine does! They do quickly work out what to do and you’ll feel better about it too

My little girl does this now she’s getting cocky with food! I just watch her and trust that she spits out anything too big x

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