@Tee great thank you! Will give that a go 😁 x
If your cycles are that long and irregular it’s likely that your body is struggling to ovulate and possibly not ovulating at all. If this is just one weird cycle you could wait and see but if your cycles are usually very long and or irregular you don’t need to wait to talk to your doctor. It’s possible that you may have pcos or some other hormone imbalance that needs treating with either lifestyle changes or medication. They may also be able to prescribe you clomid or letrozole to help your body ovulate or ovulate stronger which could be a game changer for you assuming you’re trying to get pregnant
My cycles were similar to this, I was never getting a peak and my cycle was dragging on. I stopped tracking my LH and just tracked my cervical mucus and managed to get pregnant! Sorry I don’t have any advice for getting it back but I found when I stopped using the LH tests and paid attention to my body signals I caught! xx