
How many words can your LO say? Can they count/alphabeth yet?
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Mama, dada, ta, duck. He understands everything you say and can follow instructions though

18 words off the top of my head but she’s chatting all day every day so I lose track 😂 tries to chat to me with hand gestures and change of tone but most of that is not understandable so I just agree 😅 no counting or alphabet

Mummy, daddy, duck, dog, baabaa(sheep) moo, bye, bee, oink noise for pig I think I need to get her some toys/books that aren't animals haha But also understands a lot of what we say

Mama and dada at a push and shakes her head saying ‘neh’ for no but that is it. She understands loads so not worried

I'd say maybe 15 words max but maybe a few less as she doesn't say all words constantly that's mainly just mama dada nana roro (her brother is logan) and brother which are daily words all day everyday Doesn't count or know the Alphabet yet either But she does understand 9 out of 10 of what I say

Mine is saying barely any words. Sometimes he parrots things like ‘up stairs’ and ‘hi cat’. He understands a lot and will follow instructions (when he feels like it). I’m not worried, he seems to be much more of a mover and is currently practicing jumping

@Meg wow impressive! Any tips? Do you have any screen time

There's 14 month olds counting and doing the alphabet already?

We read to her a lot as she loves books. At the moment it’s none stop bringing us a book and sitting in our laps then once it’s done she’ll go and grab another then come back with that. I am a talker though, so it could be inherent? No screen time, she’ll occasionally glance at Daddy’s shows in the evening but nothing on for her and I never have the tv on during the day. I play music instead, mine not kids, I’d go stir crazy 😂

The alphabet/numbers is about reciting than saying words on the 14 month questionnaire it suggests 4,words at this time is average , mines not saying any words yet but gesturing, Sharing joint interest and our salt said that was all normal when he had a swallow assessment done for recurrent chest infections x

My 3 year old doesn't know how to count or the alphabet. My 14 month old only says "muma" "dada" and babble and screams

@Megan yes

Mama, dada, baa (sheep sound), quack, moo, ball, done, kiss, ice, yea, bye, hi

Mama, dada, duck, cat, car, meow, tah, yeah(but not in context just randomly shouts yeah 🤣) and he said doggy for the first time the other day! Xx

Mine only knows how to say mama - slightly worried now that she’s behind

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@Saira i had a conversation last month with the HV cause i was worried she was behind.. she only said dada and nothing else. Within a month she started to say 10 more words! Out of the blue, so no need to be worried. She will get there 🩷

I really doubt that many 15 month olds can recite the alphabet 😂😂. I wish we would all enjoy our little ones learning rather than always asking what others are doing and putting unrealistic expectations on ourselves! A small handful of words at this age is totally normal ♥️

@Saira please don’t! Sorry but this kind of post drives me wild. Some say 1 word if that at this age, some say far more and both= normal!! Please don’t worry, they all learn at different rates ♥️

I've never known a 15 month old to recite the alphabet and count. Is yours doing that OP?

@Saira mines saying Mama, raa, me, baby but it's all babbles and has zero meaning to him yet. I spoke to my HV on Tuesday and she said it's perfectly normal so I wouldn't worry x

Around 25 words. She is not counting but when I ask how old she is she shows one and says one. Also she can say “three cars” (actually “three car”) after I begged her to do so like 10 times 😂 every baby is different thou and will get there on their own time. I was an early talker myself. But my husband was a late talker, but his speech is probably more advanced than mine now. So doesn’t really matter how many words babies say at this age as long as they understand most

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