@Tash okay thanks Tash 💖
I agree. Retest in the morning. Update us tomorrow. Good luck 🤞🏽
Do you have photos of the two tests? Also try not to panic as I had fairly faint lines around 9/10dpo then they only started to get brighter from 11/12dpo
Also make sure you are only comparing the exact same brand of tests 🤞🏻
I have also used another brand alongside the premom one and they have been showing positive but I’ve been consistent with PM test
Are the bottom ones from today hun?
It’s odd because I still have symptoms e.g fatigue, feeling sick, dizzy, hot flushes. So I would think none the wiser Also I have had no blood for a chem pregnancy
@Katie the last 3 are from today. The last one I did not long ago and I can still see a very faint line but it’s still so faint
I hate to say it but if your tests get lighter it normally means a chemical pregnancy before 5 weeks. I would definitely retest tomorrow with first morning urine. You need your urine to be concentrated when testing this early. Let us know hun. Good luck 🤞🏽
@Katie ok thanks hun, I will do that. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽x
There are definitely some positives in there and those easy @ home take ages to get a strong line. But like you say there hasn’t been a huge amount of progress in the last few tests. If you want to know for sure you could get 2 x HCG blood tests a few days apart to see if the levels increase (you do have to pay for the privately though). Or wait a few more days and test again, I think by 14dpo you would expect a strong line on those ones. Good luck!
Hi ladies, I had some bleeding this morning and it didn’t look like implantation bleeding. Rang 111 who advised me to go the doctors. They confirmed a miscarriage 😣 guess I am out of October 2025! Wishing luck to all of you, thank you for all of your support and advice 💖
Im so so sorry to hear of your loss ❤️ It’s horrible to go through and I just really wish you loads of luck for next time x
I’d do another tomorrow and see what it says. Or even hold your wee for 4 hours this evening and see, if you can’t wait. HCG should double every 48-72 hours which will make the tests darker so in theory they shouldn’t get lighter. If it gets lighter over the next few days, it’s likely to be a chemical pregnancy. I hope it sticks for you!