Baby measuring big

I had a growth scan at 34 weeks today. The baby’s AC is measuring at 38 weeks 2 days, and so they want me to have a gestational diabetes test (I didn’t have one previously as I didn’t meet the criteria / there were no risks flagged). Just wondering if this is normal? Has anyone else experienced something like this? Pretty worried that the baby is measuring over 5lbs already at 34 weeks and feel like I’ve done something wrong with my diet. If she I don’t have GD and she’s just big, am I likely to be told to have a caesarean?
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This happened to me 2 weeks ago and I had my glucose test last Friday. She jumped from the 13th to the 5oth centile (even tbo she'd previously been on the 30th) results came back normal though and I haven't got GD. I wasn't tested previously as had no risk factors. Im seeing the midwife again tomorrow so hoping she's measuring back on track again x

The chef at my work, his little girl was 7lbs by 32 weeks and his wife managed to have a natural delivery. My midwife has told me that some people tend to just have bigger babies than others, and unless you’ve been told your diet is the problem, I wouldn’t take any blame upon yourself x

I'm in the same situation. My baby is on 93rd or 94th percentile, can't remember which. I have had the GD test twice and been fine both times. Baby is over 5lbs at 32 weeks. He's just big, my husband's family have big babies, it's just genetics. I've been booked for induction at 39 weeks due to his size, I'd not be surprised if it ends up in a caesarian

However in my case it is his legs that are measuring particularly big rather than stomach, I was told that if it is the stomach that's measuring big it's more likely to be GD, but of course not guaranteed

I had a growth scan today at 34+6 and baby was 5.11 lbs and they said that was completely normal at 53% - so I wouldn’t worry about weight!

Had my 32 week scan today and baby is already 5lbs and 98% centile had a GD test and all came back normal looks like we just got big babies 😍❤️ I’m booked for a c section at 39 weeks

It’s absolutely not something you need to worry about 🩷 I had two GD tests. First one due to family history that came back negative but when I had my next scan he was measuring big so they tested me again and this time it came back positive. I’m just diet controlled and baby is doing great. He’s still measuring big so they are looking to do an induction, 39 weeks being the absolute earliest. Just had my last growth scan at 37 weeks and he’s just above 97th percentile but thriving and looking great on the scan. If you do have GD it’s not anything you did or didn’t do that’s caused it. Some women just can’t produce enough insulin and that’s all it is. The hormones produced by the placenta inhibit insulin so the body needs to produce extra and some women just can’t keep up. It’s all hormone controlled not something we can control ourselves. You also might not have GD at all. The scan measurements can be way off. Take them with a pinch of salt. They’ve been wrong many times before x

Just to add I haven’t been told I need a C section and my baby is measuring big and I have GD. They have suggested an induction but even at that you always have a choice and can refuse it x

I’m in the same situation , I’m 32 weeks , above 97th percentile , measuring at 5lb 14 , they just went through the risks of natural delivery of a big baby and possible talked about induction , they will make a desicion in 2 weeks at my next growth scan , don’t worry about your GD test , it’s nothing you have done if it’s positive , they say it’s hormone related

For me since the 22week scan my baby is 99percentile. They all scratching their heads been sent to do GTT test four times. Everytime comes back negative. No other issues, no family history of diabetes etc. My baby (don’t know the sex) is proportionally big and it was not until last scan - 32 weeks, that doctor finally taken into account that genetics play role. I was a big baby so is my other half. Both families have big babies. I am 34 weeks atm. At 36 Weeks they will decide what to do, but even though I would prefer natural birth, l have a feeling they will be pushing for induced C section. Also would like to mention, growth charts do vary. I’ve asked doctor/specialist in my country (Czech Republic) and according to their charts baby is bigger but nothing they would worry about, as most babies are born quite big. So that’s something to also be aware of xx

I have gestational diabetes and my baby was on the 59th percentile, last week (32 weeks) he weighed 4lb 11oz! I’m diet controlled and worry if my baby is getting enough from having a too well controlled diet! Don’t be hard on yourself and I was reassured that they encourage a natural birth over the c-section! However they talk about inducing you from 38 weeks as your placental health isn’t as great towards the end and could stop supporting the baby! A lot of gd babies don’t make it to induction tho as they like to meet us a little earlier! There’s nothing wrong with a big baby😍🫶🏽

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