Am I being weird?

So… I finally connected with a person from my neighborhood on this app, things were going well. I was going to ask to meet up for coffee. That was until I mentioned my church. The person asked what church I went to -and where is it ,along with other relevant questions, I attend a church out of town so I just let them know that and said so, also didn’t give the name (didn’t want to answer as I haven’t met this person yet and I’m at my church often… just being cautious) and continued with the conversation. This person’s next questions were, what is the name of the church and what city is it in? I found this to be unsettling and removed the connection, had a bad feeling about it. Am I weird for this..
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I don't think asking the name of the church is weird, but asking the city and name would have made me uncomfortable as well.

Definitely odd. I'd maybe continue to avoid an answer but ask if they're trying to find a new church to attend. Could be that they're trying to find a church to go to but asked in an uncomfortable way unintentionally

They might be trying to figure out your stance on certain things - politically, morally, etc. I would tell them the denomination of your church and leave it at that.

@Emily I can see that but why insist on the city?

@Sarah yeah, I really didn’t like how pushy it was.

@Rhiannon I just had the feeling they had a hard time with boundaries. Why ask again?

She could have been just trying to extend conversation but if you had a gut feeling that she had alterior motives, then you probably made the right call. I'm in my 30s. I can sniff out people I do and don't want to associate with real quick. I don't have time for friendships that will cause more issues than peace so I'm one for cutting people off quick too lol

I think maybe your overthinking she probably was just being friendly to get to you know

always trust your gut for sure, but would it maybe be possible that she was asking because she maybe went to a church out of town & wondered if you guys went to the same one?

@Kj not possible in the slightest

was just trying to play devil’s advocate, give a possible different perspective 🤷🏼‍♀️

@Kj thank you 😊 that’s what I needed

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