They’re just interested in everything at this point and he definitely won’t be feeling frustrated that he can’t have food as he knows no different. He would be just as interested in putting a toy in his mouth most likely as they learn a lot through putting things in their mouth at this stage. Definitely no need to feel bad.
He literally doesn’t know what he’s missing. He has no idea what it’s like to taste, chew and swallow food. If you were holding car keys he would probably try and grab them but that doesn’t mean you are going to let him drive the car…or a sharp knife but you’re not going to let him chop vegetables. Babies are just interested in everything at this age. You’ve obviously done your research and know that waiting until 6 months will give him the best start in life so don’t feel bad about that! X
Interested in you eating is developmental and their brain registering you eating! Baby doesn’t actually want the food they’re just intrigued with something new🙂 Don’t worry about it X
He’s just watching what you are doing that’s all