He won't grow into an unhappy child. Fussiness as a baby is not necessarily indicative of a child's temperment. Babies are fussy to express a need. We don't always know what that need is (gas, discomfort, teething pain, etc), but it's the only way they know how to communicate from an early age, and they rely on it. He's fussy because it inspires you to respond, that's the dynamic of the mother-child relationship. Just focus on tending to his needs as best you can, and lean on support when you can. He will very likely grow out of it. FYI - my brother was a horribly inconsolable baby, and now at almost 29, he's still a bit of a stubborn ass, but he's a positive, happy, hardworking guy with a sweet girlfriend and a good life.
It really gets better mama. If your baby cries because he need to be over you 24/7 it's totally normal. Carry him as much as you can so he can settle. Wear him and have a relaxing walk. Relax yourself as much as you can so he can copy your rhythm. If after this he keeps crying, talk to your pediatrician because he might have reflux or something painful for him. It's hard but I promise it gets better it goes fast. Take all the cuddles meanwhile. Breathe in an out and ask for help if needed.
I honestly feel for you as my nearly one year old was exactly the same. But he's a happy content little boy now. He had silent reflux and colic, which they do grow out of but it's hard getting to that point when your living it everyday. It might be worth going to GP though as if it is reflux they can suggest things. Your doing a brilliant job, I know how hard it is. I promise it gets easier xx
@Melissa thank you for your advice and info lovely. it’s just hard since he’s a twin so I’m also having to attend to another little one too, it’s not easy to have him crying whilst I’m trying to attend to his twins needs also.
@Aurélie thank you so much lovely! It’s just really difficult since he’s a twin so it’s not always realistic to have him on me 24/7 whilst I’m trying to attend to my daughter’s needs as well, whilst doing it alone since my partner is at work
@Leanne thank you so much lovely! we’ve taken him to the gp and they think he has reflux and colic so we’re doing all we can to treat that but I’ve noticed it’s just whenever he’s put down… which is so difficult as he’s a twin so I’m having to see to my daughter as well as him xx
That sounds incredibly difficult! It's hard enough with one, I can't imagine doing double the work. You're a trooper. I've always felt the saying is true that in the newborn phase, the days are long, but the months are short. It feels like forever but in retrospect, it's such a short time of their lives. It will pass, I promise, and you'll get to know more of their personality, which is the best. 💜
Do you massage your bubba?? If no they might be stiff and in pain and gut not running smoothly. It's important to do it from head to toes.
Oh boy. I can't imagine how hard it is with a Twin. Send you a big warm hug. It will get better quicker than you think. Hang on
Sending you hugs. It does get easier. His crying could be that his tummy isn't settled. You can try some skin to skin with him as well as a bath as this tends to settle them. He could be too cold or too hot. You can also try singing to him. He knows your voice and will calm to it. If you're angry or flustered he will feel it but it does get better.❤️