You can try meat purees too
@Megan @Cayli Pessin omg good idea!! doing this tonight
Stop snacking and start meal times. With healthy snacks if needed. Give bub pain relief 20 mins before a big main feed so they don't stop wanting to eat due to pain.
My baby doesn’t eat much when he’s teething, as long as she is drinking milk, and still snacking she is fine
Her appetite will come back
And try yogurt and soft foods too
Around this age kids get more picky. It might not just be the teeth. My daughter went through a really picky phase at this age so I cut out the snacks, so she literally didn’t eat anything and fell off her growth curve. I had to add things to her diet that weren’t what I felt were ideal, but I needed to give her something (things like baby yogurt which has added sugar, chicken nuggets, non-whole grain pasta, etc). Things that helped were: serve at least one thing at each feeding they usually like. If they don’t want to eat, let them be done (pressuring them to eat makes them want to eat even less). Increase number of feedings so that if they don’t eat at one feeding, at least another feeding will come soon. Also feed in different settings - she might eat better outdoors, on the floor, etc. i would not recommend completely cutting the snacks - instead, serve things at snack time that you feel okay about her eating - fruit, cheese, yogurt, homemade smoothies, nut butter, avocado, etc.
@Rebecca i actually never thought about different settings,, i will try this!
When your mouth hurts, you dont want to eat either. Maybe make your own healthier snacks? You can make those baby melts in the freezer, put veggies in the smoothies, you can cook your own crackers or teether sticks to add more veggies in it.