I don’t know even know what I want from posting this. I guess I’m just feeling really alone.
I’d be super suspicious. Why does he feel the need to take care of this other woman? Do you know her? Why is he going on a lunch date with her? I would absolutely confront him. A woman’s intuition never lies
Is it possible he was just telling the coworker they'd have lunch together but he was already planning on giving her an excuse to drop the soup and leave?
He’s always been the super generous type and his team is really close. I think at worst it’s the beginnings of an emotional affair. The lie just has me really shook.
@Sarah no because when I called him out, he admitted it. Then immediately went to the place of: I should just leave for a while since I’m clearly failing everyone. So I said we’ll just table it for now since you’re clearly too overwhelmed to talk about it
Yeah no id be pissed. & him saying that just sounds like hes trying to make you feel guilty. Him lying about & trying be sneaky about it makes it seem like there's something going on between them. Overwhelmed or not id press him about it bc you shouldn't have lied so time to deal with the consequences
His response of “I should just leave I’m failing everyone” sounds awfully manipulative and like he’s just trying to get out of the conversation
@Harlie exactly what I thought! Very manipulative
Yeah, I can’t really argue with that. I’ve been with genuinely manipulative people and he has never struck me that way. Most of the time when I bring something up, he takes accountability and we work together and figure it out. But sometimes he does get defensive the point of not being able to talk about stuff. But I guess subconscious manipulation is still manipulation.
I’m just all over the map. Part of me says move on like it never happened. Part of me says pack bags for the kids and me. I know that the smart thing to do is ride it out until we can talk to a professional together and at least get a roadmap. I feel like I can’t trust the ground under my feet.
I’d be livid that’s not normal
Maybe I'm just a territorial person, but I would be mad he was making another woman soup. 😭
Ok him making soup for a coworker while you struggling- 🚩 Him lying saying he’s dropping off but having a secret lunch date with a woman- 🚩 Him deflecting and saying he’s overwhelmed so he can’t talk rn- 🚩 Just be careful cuz when it comes to liars and manipulators therapy only teaches them how to get better at manipulation and doesn’t actually help anything…
If my husband was making food for someone else that would be his last meal in my home... That's extremely inappropriate behavior.
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Making her soup and having lunch plans? He’s having an affair.
Ummm I would never just make soup for some man at work, let alone have a lunch date with him. 🚩 I would consider that cheating if I did that. That’s not ok.
“I should just leave for awhile” = Let me leave so I can go have this affair.
My husband said: “He’s definitely trying to hit it. No question about that.”
There’s no need for him to lie for 1, and he should also not be around her if she’s sick because you’ve already said to him to not bring it back for 2, he should be more focused on helping you instead of making her soup, you’re his partner so you come first for 3. Has he ever mentioned her before? If not then that’s weird and I’m really sorry
Your feelings are valid and it’s probably not the first time he’s lied to you. But I’m not going to assume.. let’s go with what we know. Trust is a very fragile thing and once broken, is hard to restore. If there was nothing to hide, he would have had no reason to lie. What he was trying to do with her was worth him lying to you to get it done. That’s a big risk to take if there’s nothing going on..
Why is your husband taking care of another woman anyway? I swear We need to be less understanding 😩😩 I’m sorry, this must have made you feel horrible x
Yeah that’s weird he shouldn’t be having soup with other girls when he’s got a family that could do with some soup instead. Honestly some men have no respect if she is sick her husband can take care of her not yours
Trust your gut