Definitely get away with it while you can, before they understand and want it all about them!
That isn’t weird at all. First birthday parties are mainly about you and celebrating your first year of motherhood anyway in my opinion; your baby doesn’t understand what’s going on 😅 so celebrate both!
Not weird at all
I feel this! My birthday is March 16 and my daughters March 23. I'm turning 35 and I would love to do a shared celebration as well!
I was going to do this too! My baby's birthday is 9 days before mine and we are celebrating it the day before mine. Plus it's a special birthday for both of us- his first and my 30th!
I’m so glad no one thinks it’s weird, I even posted this as incognito because I thought I was going to be judged lol! Time to start planning then 💕
I don't think it's weird at all. Especially so you can have all your family around you both. X