Potty training?

My boy will be 2 July 7th. Are y'all potty training yet? What's the best thing to start with? I work full time so naked days are only possible on weekends or evenings. Give me all your best suggestions on when to start and how to start!
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Naked days. Now that's an idea. Not started 100% effort yet. But she has been very good with telling up after the fact. đź«Ł

I started potty training at 16mo it's been ongoing he started showing interest so we started trying are we there yet.. Nope but he does go potty every morning so it's getting there. Just not 100% which I think is OK his cousin is 3 and not 100% so I feel we are doing OK.

I’ve been doing naked days for a bit over a month (not everyday) and she has a little potty that looks like ours. She goes on it in the morning and after meals and after bath time. I have it wherever we are just in case. When I go I tell her “let’s go potty” and she will sit on hers while I’m on mine. Sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn’t. She still only tells me after she has pooped. I can see the signs though and throw her on the potty. Getting better everyday.

Aw our boys are birthday buddies ❤️❤️❤️❤️

We started at 15mo

Potty training has been a consistent fail for us

Putting child on the potty and showing potty videos. As soon as they potty recognize the act and reward. If child does not want to stay on potty long that is okay, don't force it or make it a hardship task. My son started with only 3 minutes on the potty, and today got up to 24 minutes, he has only gone pee once. These kids are young and it's never to early to start but don't stress if it takes time🧡

We’re starting as soon as it’s warm enough he can run around in nothing but underwear. So any week now since we live in the south. I got 2 potty’s and some rewards/stickers. Even found a treasure chest at goodwill that I put all his rewards in. Excited/nervous to start

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