I give my LO (12 months) the protein shakes that you get in the baby isle. I also do pouches. My LO has some days when he doesn’t want to eat. I try to give him his favorites to tempt him. On the days where he doesn’t want to eat, if I get a few bites or a couple ounces of the shake every couple hours I am happy. I will be talking to his doctor about it too.
I give pouches too. I wanted to see what other people do 😂.
On days my baby doesn't really want to eat I just let him have little snacks or bites from my food. I try to give him puffs and bites of fruit. He's still breastfeeding so our doctor said it was fine as long as we keep offering and he is nursing during the day. I have also tried letting him sit on the floor with his food and that has worked a little. But we have hard floors and not carpet so it's easier for us to clean any mess he makes.
When my 13 month old won’t eat, we supplement with baby food pouches. She’s on almond milk but if all else fails typically I can get her to drink some milk
Pediatrician told me to just try 3 meals a day and 2 snacks a day, if he refuses food to do a snack instead. Something you know your baby will eat like puffs or cheerios. My baby will usually eat cheese or eggs so we always do that one a day. He has off days but then also better days!
& yes to pouches!! He also loves yogurt melts and the tractor wheels from once upon a farm
Sometimes I give my baby pouches to fill her up but she’s only 12 months old. After the pouches she’s usually good. How is is baby?