I went into labour before my scheduled section. Initially I was 5 cm and within an hour I was 9 cm. I was counselled lots of times and asked if I wanted to try delivering vaginally, even more so when I progressed so quickly. I was warned the risks were higher. My waters hadn’t broken yet so the consultant said it was okay to go ahead. The consultant did stick around though and she helped fishing out my baby.
Yes they will... they'll slot you in as an "emergency"
I asked my consultant about this as i went into labour at 36 weeks with my first and he was ended up being an emergency c section birth and they've told me to call up straight away and go straight in and I will have my c section there and then
Yes- I went into labour- water broke, contractions and dilating and they did a c section that day
If you want to try vaginally and it's safe, I think that's an option, but they will do a c section if that's what you want or need.
i didn’t have a elective mine was scheduled BUT. i did go into labor before my scheduled appointment. i still did have a c-section. i don’t know if this helps .
I was just talking to my girlfriends about this! We were reliving our birth stories :) my friend had a scheduled c-section for 37 weeks but went into labor at 36 weeks and was 9cm dilated when she got to the hospital, so they told her she would have a vaginal delivery, which she did 30 min later!
I went into labour before at 36+5, waters broke but no dilation. Got Csection the day after (they had emergency cases and as I wasn’t progressing they pushed me to the back of the queue
I was booked in for a C-section and went into labour naturally the day I was booked in. I gave birth naturally, they said they only had surgeons available for emergencies and I wasn’t classed as an emergency x
Yes. I went into labour 10 days before my original section date, I called up and went straight in and had it in the first empty theatre slot.
I asked this question the other day as I dont have a choice and I have to have a c section. They just said any sign of labour at all ring the maternity assessment centre and they will bring me in snd get me in for a c section, as long as I'm not at the point of pushing, if i am then it might be safer to push her out. I'm at risk of uterine rupture x
This happened to me on Wednesday. Waters broke at 1am, called triage and arrived at hospital at 2pm. Was scheduled to be seen first and by midday my baby was with us via emergency CS. My contractions had started but in terms of dilation I wasn’t very progressed. Was told that they could wait until morning, but if I was labouring faster they would have done the section over night.
I think it depends on how fast you’re progressing . For example if you go in and you’re 8 cm dilated I don’t think they will do a surgery . That’s what I think personally